Megan Hemmert
Life Coach for Single Parents
Megan is a full time single mom of 3 humans- ages 15, 12 and 10, and a bernedoodle named Wrigley. She coaches single parents on improving their relationship with their kids. She loves purebarre, being in the sun, traveling, taking great photos of her kids, and makes dang good food (and loves to eat it.)
Official Website
Social Media
Instagram: @meganhemmertcoaching
Core Topics
How to change your relationship with your kids without changing them at all
How to stop judging yourself as a single parent
How to be a better listener as a parent
How to enjoy time with your kids every day
How to ‘stay in your lane’ while still being an engaged parent
How to believe you’re an amazing single parent
How spending some of your free time away from your kids will make you a better single parent
How to believe you (and your kids) are having the exact life experience you are supposed to have
Suggested Questions
What do you want out of your relationship with your kids? What do they want from this relationship?
How do you listen from curiosity to understand?
How do we allow our kids their experiences?
How would your kids brag about you to their friends?
Where is the line between controlling our kids and having expectations for them?
Business / Personal
Why did you become a coach?
Why do you choose to coach single parents? What led you to start this business?
How to Heal Your Relationship with Your Kids
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